
Week's Start Day defines the day that is shown first in the calendar.

Show today's events on tray displays the tooltip on the tray when Rainlendar is started or when the day changes. The tooltip shows  the events for that particular day. The tray icon must be enabled for this to function.

Add years to birthdays and anniversaries shows the year count in the event's summary automatically.  The year count is the number of years starting from the first instance of the event. So, to make this work correctly you need to create a yearly recurring event that starts in the year the event happened (e.g. when the person was born). The event must also belong to either Birthday or Anniversary category.

Hide windows when there are no items hides the to do list and the event list window when the list is empty. The window will be shown automatically when a new event/task is created.

Click through (Win only) makes the window to ignore all mouse input. This means that when you click over a Rainlendar window the click goes through to the desktop or a window which is below. This works only when native transparency is enabled. You can temporarily disable this feature by keeping shift key down when you press the mouse button. This feature is never applied to the alarm window (for obvious reasons).

Lock windows in place makes the windows immobile. If set to true the position cannot be changed anymore by dragging the window with the mouse.

Enable on startup (Win only) starts Rainlendar automatically when Windows starts.

Language defines the language that is used in the user interface. Note that this does not necessarily change the language used in the calendar itself. That depends on the used skins. Some skins can use the selected languages but not all of them.

Position defines the windows placement among other windows on the desktop.

  • On Top keeps the window always on top of the other windows.
  • Normal behaves like other windows meaning that it can go over and under the windows depending which window is active.
  • On Bottom keeps the window always below other windows.
  • On Desktop (Win only) is the same as On Bottom except that the windows don't disappear when Show Desktop (Win+D) is selected.

Transparency (Win only) defines the transparency of the windows. There are two states that can be changed. The normal transparency is used when the window is in the normal state. The mouse over transparency is used when the mouse is over the window. By adjusting the sliders you can e.g. make the windows behave so that they are normally semitransparent and when the mouse goes over the window the window becomes opaque. Or you can also make the window disappear when the mouse goes over it. This feature works only when native transparency is enabled.


The calendar options allow you to create new calendars and modify the settings of the existing one. A calendar is a collection of events and tasks. They are usually stored in a file but it is possible that they come e.g. from a database or even generated on the fly. The different calendar types are provided by plugins which are described below.

You can create as many calendars as you like. When you are creating new events and tasks you need to select which calendar will be handling the item. The same item can be stored to multiple calendars too.

Common settings

Enabled defines if the calendar is active or not. Items from disabled calendars are not shown.

Visible category can be used to override the visual appearance of the calendar items. Normally the category in the events and tasks is used when the application determines what the items should look like (i.e. the color of the text and the icons and such). With the visible category you can define a different category that is used instead. It's also useful e.g. for imported items that do not define categories at all.


The default format for the events and tasks in the iCalendar (RFC 2445). The format is widely used in different calendar applications (not just in Apple's iCal). Rainlendar will keep the events and tasks internally in iCalendar format.


Filename defines the path and name to the file where the will be stored. You can also pick an existing file in which case the events from it are read to Rainlendar and new events will be  

Network Shared Calendar (Pro only)

It's also possible to use network shared calendars with Rainlendar. See the Examples page for step by step instructions how to connect Rainlendar to few of the popular network calendars.


Url is the location of the shared calendar file. You need to give the full url including the ics-file name (unless the calendar is created dynamically by the web server).  It's possible also to use ftp protocol. WebDAV protocol declaration is also supported (webdav://) but only normal http access is used (i.e. the files are not locked when they are updated).

Username defines the user name if the server is password protected. This field can be left empty. Note that the plugin supports only the basic authentication.

Password defines the password if the server is password protected. This can be left empty.

Poll Frequency can be used to automatically check for updates in the network calendar. The value is in minutes. Value 0 means that the feature is disabled. Do not poll servers too often if they are not yours.

Backup can be set to true to make a backup of the ics-file before it is uploaded to the server. This is useful if for some reason the server doesn't accept the file or it gets removed from the server for some reason. The backups are stored in the same folder where the settings are (see Installation).

Proxy server defines the name of the proxy server if you need to use one.

Proxy username defines the user name for the proxy server.

Proxy password defines the user name for the proxy server.

Suppress errors can be set to true to make the annoying error dialogs go away.

Outlook (Windows & Pro only)

Rainlendar is able to show Outlook's appointments and tasks among its own events. The items are only read from Outlook and it is not possible to save them back to it. If you try to edit an item that comes from Outlook you cannot save it to the Outlook calendar (but you can do that to some other calendar).


Application defines the name of the application that provides the Messaging API. It is possible that also other applications implement the MAPI but even if they do it is not guaranteed that you'll get the events to Rainlendar.

Profile defines the Outlook user profile to use.

MessageStore defines the Outlook message store that is shown in Rainlendar.

Import Alarms can be set to true to import also the .


There are two modes to select the skin: Simple and Advanced.


In the simple mode the list shows all the valid skins. You can just pick the one you like. Note that the skins that were created for the old version of Rainlendar might have functionality that is not supported anymore.


The advanced mode allows you to select which windows in the skin are active. The list in the left side contains all the available skins. The right list has the windows that are currently active. To activate a window expand the skin branch in the available list and click the right arrow to move the window to the active side.

You can activate as many windows from the skin as you like but there can be only single instance of the tooltip, trayicon and the alarm window. It is also possible to mix items from different skins. If you for example want to use a tooltip from one skin and the calendar from another it is possible.

The system also allows you to activate several instances of the same window. You can for example have two calendar windows active at the same time for multi month display. You should note though that in this case both calendars will show the same month. To fix the problem select one of the calendar windows from the active side and click the Settings-button. The Visible month in the list defines the month that the window displays.  You can set it as +1 to show the next month, -1 to show the previous month, +2 to show the month after the next and so on. If you omit the sign (+ or -) the calendar will show absolute month (1=January, 2=February, ...).

The Settings-dialog contains also other values that can be changed for the windows. The Scale can be used to increase and decrease the size of the window. The Visible hides/shows the window. There might be also other values in the variables section. The variables depend on the skin and are usually described in the skins' details.

Hotkeys (Windows only)

The hotkeys options allows you to run scripts when some key combination is pressed. Few default scripts come with Rainlendar but you can create your own scripts too. Any script that has prefix "Hotkey_" will be shown in the list and can be activated by a hotkey. Note that the hotkeys are global. This means that any time you press the key combination the script will be executed. Rainlendar doesn't need to be active or even visible for this to happen. 


The advanced options contain all kinds of settings that affect minor details in Rainlendar. Usually you don't have to worry about these unless you want to configure Rainlendar exactly for your liking.

TimeFormat Overrides the time format. The different codes can be found from here. If left empty the default format is used (in Windows that's whatever you have set in your locale and in Linux that's %H:%M).

DateFormat Overrides the date format. The different codes can be found from here. If left empty the default format is used (which is whatever you have set in your locale).

WeekendDays defines the weekend days. This affects the appearance of the calendar (the weekends are usually drawn with a different color)

WeekNumberDelta defines a value that is added to the week numbers. You can use this to adjust the week numbering if your country is using some non-standard way to number the weeks. Also negative numbers can be used.

DefaultCategories lists the categories that are shown in the category list. You can add as many new categories as you like. Note that the unless the category's appearance has been defined in the skin, it is drawn with the default event appearance.

SnapDistance defined the distance in pixels after which the windows are snapped together and to the edges of the screen. Currently this feature works only in Windows.

SnapCenter can be set to true to snap also the center of the screen.

SaveWindowPosition stores the window positions to the configuration file. If set to false the windows are always opened to the default position.

ShowTrayIcon can be used to hide/show the tray icon.

FullMenus defines whether the full context menus are used in all windows or just the item's submenu. You can always show the full menus if you keep shift key down when you open the menu.

ShowInAllDesktops (Linux only) can be set to true to put Rainlendar to all desktops. If set to false the windows are only on one of them.

CalendarWheelScroll defines the number of months the wheel scrolls. Set to 0 to disable the feature. Negative values can be used to scroll to the opposing direction.

ListWheelScroll defines the scrolling speed in the event and to do lists.

TransparencyType defines the type of transparency that is used. The native (available only in Windows) is a proper transparency which means that you can see what's happening behind the window (unless the window is opaque). The copy transparency takes a copy of the desktop and draws the window contents over the image. The region transparency creates a region from the alpha channel and sets it for the window. You can only have fully opaque or transparent pixels with region transparency.

CopyTransparencySleepTime defines the time (in ms) how long the window is kept hidden when the copy transparency needs to take a copy of the desktop. If you the background is not copied correctly try increasing this value.

FadeDelay defines the time (in ms) how long it takes before the window fading is started (e.g. when mouse over fading). Fading works only with native transparency.

FadeDuration defines the time (in ms) how long it takes to fade the window. Fading works only with native transparency.

TooltipFadeDuration is the same as FadeDuration but for the tooltip window.

TrayShowDuration defines the time (in ms) how long the tray tooltip is shown. The tooltip can be closed also by clicking it.

FontScale can be used to scale the fonts by certain amount. The value is in percents so 100 means normal scale and 200 means double size.

SkinLanguage selects the language that is used in the skin. The list shows all the languages that the skin contains. Set to default to use your locale's language. Note that only the languages from the currently active skin is shown. If you change the active skin you need to apply the settings and open the options dialog again to see the new languages in the list.

ShowTooltips can be used to disable the tooltips altogether. If set to false the tooltips are not shown when you move the mouse over an item on the calendar or on the lists.

MaxTooltipWidth defines the maximum width of the tooltip window. The value is in pixels.

TooltipShowDescription can be used to hide/show the event description from the tooltips. If set to false only the summary part is shown.

ShowFullTodoSummary can be used to display the full summary in the to do list. If set to false, only the part of the summary that fits in one line will be shown. If set to true, the summary is wrapped to multiple lines.

TodoListShowDueTime can be used to show/hide the due time from the to do list.

TodoListShowLocation can be used to show/hide the location from the to do list.

ShowFullEventSymmary can be used to display the full summary in the event list. If set to false, only the part of the summary that fits in one line will be shown. If set to true, the summary is wrapped to multiple lines.

EventListShowStartTime can be used to show/hide the start time from the event list. If this is false the end time is not shown either.

EventListShowEndTime can be used to show/hide the end time from the event list.

EventListShowLocation can be used to show/hide the location from the event list.

EventListHideDismissed can be used to show/hide the dismissed events from the event list. A dismissed event means that its alarm has been dismissed.

EventListShowComingEvents defines the number of days that are displayed in the event list. Only the days which contain events are displayed.

EventListHeaderFormat defines the format that is used in the event list headers. The different codes can be found from here. If this is left empty the event list uses strings like Today, Tomorrow, Monday in 2 weeks, ...

AlarmShowStartTime can be used to show/hide the start time from the alarm. If this is false the end time is not shown either.

AlarmShowEndTime can be used to show/hide the end time from the alarm.

AlarmShowLocation can be used to show/hide the location from the alarm.

MaxAlarmWidth defines the maximum width of the alarm window. The value is in pixels.

HideFromAlarmAfterDays defines the number of past days that are checked for non-dismissed alarms. If the event's start time or task's due time is further in past than that the value the alarm window will not show it. The value is in days.

DefaultAlarmFile defines the default audio file that is played when the alarm is shown. Only WAV files are supported.

ManagerEventColumns defines the columns that are visible in the Manager's event list. Each number represents a single columns. You can change the order of the columns or hide some of them completely by removing the number from the list. Do not add that same number twice and do not add numbers that are higher (or lower) than there are available columns.

ManagerTodoColumns is the same as ManagerEventColumns but for the to do list.

Reset All Settings

will clear all your current settings and reset them to the default values. Basically what this does is that it just deletes the rainlendar2.ini file which contains the settings. So, after you press this button Rainlendar will behave like it was just installed. Note that it does not affect your events or tasks except that you might need to create the calendars again.